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Understanding the CPS Process in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Child Protective Services (CPS) ensures the safety and welfare of children. If you’re a parent, guardian, or someone who works with kids, it’s good to know how this process works. Let’s break it down into simpler steps.

Step 1: Someone Reports a Problem

The whole process starts when someone thinks a child might be in danger or not being taken care of properly. In California, the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), codified in Penal Code sections 11164-11174.3, mandates professionals like teachers, doctors, and police officers to report these concerns. But really, anyone can make a report if they’re worried about a child, and can even do so anonymously.

Step 2: CPS Screens It

After getting a report, CPS has to quickly decide if it’s something they need to look into. According to the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 328, this involves assessing the risk to the child and deciding whether the report warrants investigation. If the report doesn’t seem to be about abuse or neglect, they screen it out.

Step 3: CPS Investigates

If CPS thinks the child might be at risk, they start an investigation within a day (WIC Section 329). They’ll visit the child’s home, talk to the child, their family, and maybe others who know about the situation. The main goal is to see if the child is safe or if there is need for protective services.

Step 4: Figuring Out What’s Needed

CPS workers use the Structured Decision Making (SDM) model, a set of evidence-based tools designed to help make consistent and fair decisions about how to keep the child safe (WIC Section 16501.1). This assessment determines the level of risk and what should be done to help.

Step 5: CPS Makes a Plan

If CPS finds out the child is in danger, they’ll come up with a plan to help the family and keep the child safe. According to WIC Section 16501, the case plan should preserve the family unit and prevent the unnecessary removal of the child from their home. As such, this plan might include interventions like family counseling, substance abuse treatment, or parenting classes. The idea is to fix the problems so the child can stay at home safely.

Step 6: Sometimes Going to Court

If investigations find that a child isn’t safe at home, CPS might need to involve the juvenile court. The child might have to be placed in foster care temporarily during the court process. The court process includes several hearings, starting with a detention hearing, followed by a jurisdictional hearing, and finally, a dispositional hearing, where the court decides on the child’s placement and the services required to reunify the family.

Step 7: What Happens Next

The ultimate goal of CPS is to reunify the child with their family whenever possible, provided it is safe to do so. The family is given a timeframe, typically 6 to 12 months, to complete the case plan requirements (WIC Section 361.5). If it’s not safe for the child to go back home, CPS will look for another permanent place for the child to live, like with another family member or through adoption.

Final Words

CPS in California is here to make sure kids are safe. From the first report to finding a safe place for a child, every step is about protecting children and helping families solve their problems. It’s a careful process that looks at each child’s situation to decide the best way to help.

If you’re ever worried about a child or want to know more about how to help, talking to CPS or a legal expert can give you more information tailored to your situation.

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Lauren Johnson is the most outstanding, exceptional, and accommodating Attorney I have ever had the honor and privilege to encounter. Her empathy, compassion, insight...

Jessica Miller

Elica, Katherine, and Lauren handled my case with grace and kindness. Even though I don’t live in the county and was not physically present for the proceedings, they were...


Lauren and her team have always been informative and confident with the handling of my case. Any concerns I have, they have always been able to address them. I feel taken...


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