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The Impact of Domestic Violence on Juvenile Dependency Cases: Protecting Children From Harm

Domestic violence has far-reaching implications, especially when it comes to children, as their well-being is directly at risk. Several laws exist in California to address and combat domestic violence and protect children in juvenile dependency cases.

This article looks at the impact these laws have in domestic violence cases where there are children involved. We will delve into the specific penal codes penalizing domestic violence and child protection, the role of child protective services, and legal measures to protect children.

Before we delve into the legal and protective framework, let’s look at the effect of domestic violence on children.

Impact on Children

The impact of domestic violence on children goes beyond any visible physical harm. Children exposed to domestic violence often endure a range of psychological and emotional consequences that can persist throughout their lives. They include the following:

  • Psychological Effects
  • The constant fear, anxiety, and stress associated with domestic violence can result in a myriad of psychological issues. These may include but are not limited to:
  • PTSD-like symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and heightened anxiety.
  • Behavioral Issues such as aggression and defiance and rebellion against authority figures.
  • Mental health issues such as depression
  • Poor performance at school
  • Long term inability to form healthy interpersonal relationships in adulthood
  • Cycle of Violence; children may replicate the patterns of abuse they witnessed
  • Poor emotional regulation, impeding the ability to cope with stress and adversity in adulthood.
  • Substance abuse as a coping mechanism

Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement in Juvenile Dependency Cases

When domestic violence involves children, California’s legal system empowers Child Protective Services (CPS) to intervene.

  • Penal Code 11165.6 requires professionals, such as doctors and teachers, to report suspected cases of child abuse. This reporting mechanism ensures that instances of domestic violence affecting children are promptly addressed.
  • Penal Code 13700 outlines the duties of law enforcement agencies, emphasizing a coordinated response to protect victims and hold offenders accountable.
  • The Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA), outlined in Family Code sections 6200-6389, allows for restraining orders to protect victims from further harm.

Protective Measures for Children in Domestic violence Cases

The laws mentioned above empower the courts to enact the following protective measures in juvenile dependency cases where domestic violence is also an issue:

  1. Investigating allegations. Protecting children from domestic violence requires close collaboration between family court and law enforcement agencies. When a victim reports domestic violence, law enforcement investigates the criminal aspect, and if necessary, criminal charges are filed under relevant penal codes.
  2. Issuing restraining orders. One primary protective measure available to victims of domestic violence is obtaining a restraining order, commonly known as a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO). California Family Code sections 6200-6389 provide the legal basis for seeking such orders. A DVRO prohibits the abusive party from making any form of contact, direct or indirect, with the victim and, if applicable, their children. This legal tool acts as a crucial barrier, creating a safe space for victims and their children.
  3. Issuing emergency protective orders. In acute situations, law enforcement can issue Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs) on behalf of the victim. These orders offer immediate protection and are a vital resource in high-risk situations.
  4. Removing the abusive parent. In cases where the abusive parent poses a severe threat to the child’s safety, family court may consider the removal of that parent from the home. This protective measure aims to create an environment free from fear and violence for the child. However, such decisions are not taken lightly, and the court carefully weighs the evidence and circumstances to determine the best interests of the child.
  5. Enforcing restraining orders. Law enforcement plays a crucial role in enforcing restraining orders. Any violation of these orders is taken seriously, and prompt action is essential to maintain the safety of the victim and the child.
  6. Supervised visitation. If the court allows visitation with the noncustodial parent, it may be ordered to be supervised. This ensures that the child can maintain a relationship with the parent while being protected from any potential harm.

Beyond the Court

Beyond legal interventions, providing emotional and psychological support for children affected by domestic violence is paramount. Such support may involve:

  • Counseling for Children

Therapeutic interventions, such as counseling and play therapy, can help children process the trauma they’ve experienced.

  • Support Groups

Support groups, both for children and their parents, allow sharing of experiences and teach coping strategies to begin the healing process.

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Lauren Johnson is the most outstanding, exceptional, and accommodating Attorney I have ever had the honor and privilege to encounter. Her empathy, compassion, insight...

Jessica Miller

Elica, Katherine, and Lauren handled my case with grace and kindness. Even though I don’t live in the county and was not physically present for the proceedings, they were...


Lauren and her team have always been informative and confident with the handling of my case. Any concerns I have, they have always been able to address them. I feel taken...


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