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How to Prepare for Your Jurisdictional/Dispositional Hearing

In a California juvenile dependency case, the jurisdictional and dispositional hearings are crucial stages where the court determines the fate of your child and the appropriate interventions. Understanding these hearings and preparing effectively can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for your jurisdictional and dispositional hearings.

 Understanding the Jurisdictional Hearing

The jurisdictional hearing is held to determine whether the allegations made against you in the petition are true. During this hearing, the court evaluates the evidence presented by Child Protective Services (CPS) to decide whether the child is at risk of harm under the criteria set forth in the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 300.

Key Points to Understand:

– Purpose: The court assesses whether the child’s circumstances meet the legal definitions of abuse or neglect.

– Evidence: CPS will present evidence, which may include reports, testimonies, and documentation.

– Outcome: If the court finds the allegations true, it establishes jurisdiction over the child and proceeds to the dispositional hearing.

 Understanding the Dispositional Hearing

The dispositional hearing follows the jurisdictional hearing and focuses on determining the appropriate disposition for the child. This hearing involves creating a plan for the child’s care and addressing the issues that led to their removal from the home.

Key Points to Understand:

– Purpose: The court decides on the best course of action for the child, which may include reunification services, placement in foster care, or other interventions.

– Case Plan: CPS will present a case plan outlining the services and interventions required to address the issues identified in the jurisdictional hearing.

– Outcome: The court will order a plan that aims to ensure the child’s safety and well-being while working toward a resolution.

 Steps to Prepare for the Hearings

1. Review the Petition and Allegations

Thoroughly review the petition filed by CPS and the allegations against you. Understanding the specific claims and evidence will help you prepare your defense. Discuss the petition with your attorney to identify key issues and formulate a strategy for addressing the allegations.

2. Gather and Organize Evidence

Collect evidence that supports your case and counters the allegations made by CPS. This may include:

– Documentation: Gather relevant documents such as medical records, school reports, and any correspondence related to the case.

– Witnesses: Identify potential witnesses who can provide testimony that supports your position. This could include friends, family members, or professionals who know your situation well.

3. Work with Your Attorney

Consult with your attorney to discuss your case strategy. Your lawyer can help you understand the legal implications of the jurisdictional and dispositional hearings, guide you through the process, and represent your interests in court.

4. Prepare Your Testimony

If you plan to testify at the hearings, work with your attorney to prepare your testimony. Practice answering questions clearly and honestly, and be ready to address any concerns raised by CPS. Your testimony should focus on demonstrating your commitment to resolving the issues and providing a safe environment for your child.

5. Participate in Reunification Services

Engage actively in any reunification services or interventions recommended by CPS. Completing these services shows the court that you are addressing the issues identified in the case and working toward creating a safer environment for your child.

6. Review the Case Plan

If a case plan is presented at the dispositional hearing, review it carefully. Ensure that you understand the services and interventions required, and discuss any concerns or modifications with your attorney. Be prepared to comply with the case plan and demonstrate your commitment to meeting its goals.

7. Prepare for Court

Attend all court hearings and arrive prepared. This includes:

– Documentation: Bring any necessary documents, evidence, or reports that support your case.

– Attire: Dress appropriately for court to show respect for the judicial process.

– Behavior: Remain calm and respectful throughout the proceedings, even if the process becomes emotional or stressful.

8. Understand the Possible Outcomes

Be aware of the possible outcomes of the jurisdictional and dispositional hearings. The court may:

– Sustain the Allegations: If the court finds the allegations true, it will establish jurisdiction and proceed with the dispositional hearing.

– Dismiss the Petition: If the court finds the allegations unsubstantiated, the case may be dismissed, and the child may be returned home.

– Order Services or Placement: If jurisdiction is established, the court may order reunification services, place the child in foster care, or make other orders based on the child’s needs.

9. Plan for the Future

Consider the long-term implications of the court’s decisions and how you will address any ongoing concerns. Develop a plan for complying with the court’s orders and working toward reunification or other resolutions.


Preparing for the jurisdictional and dispositional hearings in a juvenile dependency case is crucial for achieving a favorable outcome. By understanding the purpose of these hearings, gathering and organizing evidence, working closely with your attorney, and engaging in reunification services, you can effectively navigate the process and advocate for the best interests of your child. The hearings are an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to addressing the issues raised and to work toward a resolution that ensures your child’s safety and well-being.

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Lauren Johnson is the most outstanding, exceptional, and accommodating Attorney I have ever had the honor and privilege to encounter. Her empathy, compassion, insight...

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