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What to Do If You Are Accused of Substance Abuse in a WIC 300 Case

Facing accusations of substance abuse in a juvenile dependency case under California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 300 can be daunting and overwhelming. Such allegations can significantly impact your case and your relationship with your child. It’s crucial to approach the situation with a clear strategy and a focus on addressing the concerns raised. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you are accused of substance abuse in a WIC 300 case.

 1. Understand the Allegations

Clarify the Accusations:

Begin by understanding the specifics of the substance abuse allegations against you. Determine who made the accusations, the nature of the claims, and any evidence that supports them. This information will help you address the concerns directly and respond effectively.

Review Case Details:

Obtain and review all documents related to your case, including reports from Child Protective Services (CPS), court orders, and any evidence presented against you. Understanding the context of the allegations will guide your response and strategy.

 2. Seek Legal Representation

Consult an Attorney:

Engage an attorney who specializes in juvenile dependency cases or family law. An experienced lawyer can provide you with expert advice, represent you in court, and help navigate the legal complexities of your case.

Legal Strategy:

Your attorney will help you develop a legal strategy to address the substance abuse allegations. They will guide you on how to respond to CPS, what evidence to present, and how to comply with court orders.

 3. Comply with Court Orders and CPS Requests

Follow Court Directives:

Adhere strictly to any court orders or directives related to your case. This may include participating in substance abuse evaluations, attending counseling or treatment programs, and submitting to drug testing.

Cooperate with CPS:

Work cooperatively with CPS during their investigation. Provide any requested information, attend meetings, and allow home visits if required. Cooperation demonstrates your willingness to address the concerns and comply with legal requirements.

 4. Address the Substance Abuse Allegations

Undergo a Substance Abuse Evaluation:

Agree to undergo a substance abuse evaluation by a licensed professional. This evaluation will assess the extent of your substance use and its impact on your ability to care for your child. The results will be crucial in determining the appropriate steps to take.

Participate in Treatment:

If the evaluation indicates a need for treatment, engage in recommended programs such as counseling, rehabilitation, or support groups. Completing treatment not only addresses the underlying issues but also shows your commitment to making positive changes.

Document Your Progress:

Keep detailed records of your participation in treatment and any other steps you take to address the substance abuse issues. This documentation can be important in demonstrating your efforts and progress to the court.

 5. Focus on Your Child’s Best Interests

Maintain a Safe Environment:

Ensure that your home environment is safe and conducive to your child’s well-being. Address any potential hazards and create a stable, nurturing space for your child.

Stay Engaged:

Maintain regular and positive interactions with your child, if permitted. Showing that you are involved and attentive to your child’s needs can support your case and demonstrate your commitment to their well-being.

 6. Prepare for Court Hearings

Understand Court Procedures:

Familiarize yourself with the court procedures and what to expect during hearings. Your attorney can help you prepare for court appearances and provide guidance on presenting your case effectively.

Present Evidence:

At court hearings, present evidence of your compliance with court orders and treatment programs. This may include progress reports from treatment providers, drug test results, and any other relevant documentation.

Address Concerns:

Be prepared to address any concerns or questions raised by the court regarding your substance abuse. Provide clear and honest responses and demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issues.

 7. Seek Support and Resources

Utilize Support Services:

Take advantage of support services available in your community. This may include counseling, support groups, or resources for substance abuse recovery. Engaging with these services can provide additional help and support during this challenging time.

Build a Support Network:

Surround yourself with a supportive network of family and friends who can offer emotional support and practical assistance. Having a strong support system can be invaluable in managing stress and maintaining your focus on addressing the allegations.

 8. Focus on Long-Term Solutions

Address Underlying Issues:

If substance abuse is a symptom of underlying issues such as mental health challenges or trauma, seek to address these issues through appropriate therapy or counseling. Long-term solutions to underlying problems can contribute to lasting positive changes.

Commit to Ongoing Recovery:

Demonstrate a commitment to ongoing recovery and personal growth. Continue participating in support groups or counseling even after the immediate legal concerns are resolved. This ongoing commitment reflects your dedication to maintaining a healthy and stable environment for your child.


Being accused of substance abuse in a WIC 300 case requires a proactive and strategic approach to address the allegations effectively. By understanding the accusations, seeking legal representation, complying with court orders, and addressing the substance abuse issues, you can work towards resolving the concerns and demonstrating your commitment to your child’s well-being. Engaging in treatment, documenting your progress, and focusing on long-term solutions will help you navigate the legal process and work towards a positive outcome. With the right support and a clear strategy, you can address the allegations and move forward towards a healthier and more stable future for you and your child.

Client Reviews

Lauren Johnson is the most outstanding, exceptional, and accommodating Attorney I have ever had the honor and privilege to encounter. Her empathy, compassion, insight...

Jessica Miller

Elica, Katherine, and Lauren handled my case with grace and kindness. Even though I don’t live in the county and was not physically present for the proceedings, they were...


Lauren and her team have always been informative and confident with the handling of my case. Any concerns I have, they have always been able to address them. I feel taken...


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